
When performing onstage, singers and musicians are often presented with the decision between wired and wireless mics. Both present pros and cons, and the staging experts at Audio Images Sound & Lighting recommend doing your research to understand the benefits of using both designs.

If you're not sure where to start, check out a few main points of comparison between wired and wireless mics:

  • wireless micsSound Quality: Typically, the sound quality tends to carry more accurately on a wired mic than a wireless one. While every microphone at Audio Images Sound & Lighting is produced by the industry's leading manufacturers, the current state of wireless technology means that traditional wired microphones have a higher capacity for delivering full-bodied sound than wireless mics in most circumstances.
  • Reliability: With a traditional microphone, you'll never have to worry about batteries dying out or the slim possibility of signal interference. But if you're aiming to eliminate cables and present a clean stage environment, then the convenience and aesthetic value of wireless mics may make them the best choice for you.
  • Cost Efficiency: With Audio Images Sound & Lighting, both wired and wireless mics are affordable for your stage circumstances. With a wide variety of choices, you'll have an easy time outfitting your performance setting with high quality sound and video equipment.

For mics and more, contact Audio Images Sound & Lighting by calling (585) 343-4050. Their selection and prices are sure to have an A/V setup to fit your requirements. Visit them online to view their impressive inventory today.
