
The cooler temperatures of Cincinnati, OH, not only results in an overdriven furnace, but also sends your energy costs through the roof. With that in mind, the experts at Osterwisch Company recommend making a switch to geothermal heat pumps. Providing unmatched heating and cooling solutions since 1946, their expertise in heat pumps and air conditioning products is unrivaled.

Below, they share some facts about geothermal heat pumps:

  • Energy-Efficient: If you’re looking for a way to conserve energy, you should consider getting a geothermal heat pump installed. According to, these heating systems consume 25% to 50% less energy than their traditionally used counterparts, slashing you electric bills dramatically. By trusting your heat pump installation to Osterwisch Company, you can count on a reliable, Energy Star-rated product for your home.
  • Cincinnati-Geothermal-Heat-PumpsEco-Friendly: estimates that residential and commercial buildings in the United States are responsible for 38% of total carbon dioxide emissions. On top of that, their heavy reliance on fossil fuels leads to a faster depletion of these natural resources. In contrast, geothermal pumps produce around 70% of their heat output using sustainable energy sources, providing you a greener alternative to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Long-Lasting: Offering a longer lifespan and greater reliability, geothermal pumps make for the perfect additions to any home. Being low-maintenance and easy to use, they prove to be a cost-effective option in the long run. For an optimally performing heat pump, be sure to get it installed by the area’s leading heating and cooling solution providers.

Switching to geothermal heat pumps from Osterwisch Company is a smart decision for more than one reason. Vouched for by the leading environmental organizations, these heat pumps are absolutely a breeze to manage and operate. To learn more about replacing your furnace with these cutting-edge heating mechanisms, call your local heating and cooling experts at (513) 791-3282 or visit their website.
