
Certain automotive problems can be remedied quite easily with a transmission flush. Serving Cincinnati, OH, for more than 15 years, Mr. Transmission delivers first-rate transmission services and car repairs designed to keep your vehicle running in optimum condition. These experts reveal that transmission flushes can restore the health of your vehicle and avoid costly transmission rebuilds if you take prompt action.

Here are four signs indicating your car needs a transmission flush:

  • Hasty Or Sluggish Gear Shifting: Transmission fluid needs to be clean to function effectively, and dirt or sludge will cause gears to shift too quickly or too slowly. 

Transmission Services

  • Surging & Slowdowns: A polluted transmission can cause your vehicle to surge or slow down of its own volition. This happens because dirt and grime cause transmission fluid to flow inconsistently, preventing gears from operating smoothly. 
  • Grinding: Grease and sludge can cause your transmission to grind and emit other strange sounds. If left ignored, these issues can snowball and cause damage that results in the need for an expensive transmission rebuild.
  • Slipping Gears: A transmission caked with sludge will lose hydraulic power, impacting your car's ability to hold gears.

If you're experiencing any of these problems, schedule a visit with transmission professionals to receive a transmission flush to restore your car's performance. Select Mr. Transmission for car repair delivered with skill and diligence. These experts provide a wide range of transmission services, from maintenance to transmission rebuilds, and they will execute a flush that will have your car running like new. 

Get Cincinnati's most capable transmission professionals working for you by calling (513) 769-3111, or visit Mr. Transmission online for more information.
