
It is very important to make sure your parking lot has striping that appears new and very easy to see.  The last thing you want is to have parking spots that are too hard to clearly see at night or barely see during the day.  The markings are important for the users as much as they are to the business.  For the user, unclear lines can cause an extremely dysfunctional parking lot and if the painting is not lined up it will be a confusing experience for the customer and reflect badly on the business.

When should you get your parking lot new striping?  Depending on weather conditions it could be quite frequently.  But you should not wait until the lines are barely visible.  Another thing to consider if your slab of asphalt is rather large is to make sure there is clear directions when people need to stop or turn or if a lane is a one way.  Do yourself, your business, and your customers a favor and make sure your pavement, concrete or asphalt looks professionally done all of the time.
