
Trying to decide whether a furnace or heat pump installation is right for your home? Allow the knowledgeable team at Hunter Heating & Air Conditioning in High Point, NC, to assist you. The locally-owned-and-operated company has provided outstanding heating and air services to residents of High Point, Guilford, and the surrounding area since 1931, and remains a celebrated industry name.

Review what the HVAC contractors want you to know about heat pumps and furnaces so you can make an informed decision that provides optimal home comfort:


  • How It Works: A traditional forced-air furnace utilizes flames to heat the air. A fan circulates air via ductwork and heats your home through vents on the floor. Old models were considered inefficient; however, newer versions offer the energy efficiency and utility savings homeowners desire.
  • Maintenance & Longevity: Furnaces require maintenance every one or two years, and last 15 to 25 years, depending on upkeep. They remain the most common heating method option.
  • Air Conditioner Compatibility: Most furnace options are compatible with central air conditioning or other cooling systems.

heat pumpHeat Pump

  • How It Works: A heat pump extracts heat from outdoor air and pumps it indoors through a refrigeration cycle. Heat pumps may also draw heat from the ground, though such models are more expensive.
  • Efficiency & Drawbacks: Heat pump operation is much more energy-efficient than even the most innovative furnaces; however, they work best when the outside temperature is above freezing.
  • Maintenance & Longevity: Heat pumps typically last about 14 years. They require monthly filter checks and benefit from yearly inspections.
  • Ideal For Certain Climates: Living in a warmer climate, such as North Carolina, is ideal for heat pump use. They keep homes in warm climates comfortable both in winter and summer, as they may be reversed to cool a residence.

Discuss your heating and air needs with the friendly experts at Hunter Heating & Air Conditioning and obtain the right option for your home. The heating and air service company also provides manufacturer and utility rebates for your convenience. For more on services available through the HVAC contractors, please contact Hunter Heating & Air Conditioning today. Call (336) 882-3367 or visit the website.
