
Believe it or not, putting out wild bird feed will not only attract the local feathered population, but it will also better your property as well. To explain why investing in a bird feeder is always a good idea, one of the oldest feed mills in Ohio, Bethel Feed & Supply Pet & Garden Center, has put together this list of benefits:

  • Boosts Growth In Your Garden: The hummingbird, as well as several other types of birds, eat nectar from flowers by leaning in with their bills. As they fly from bloom to bloom, the pollen that ends up on their beak causes cross-pollination, which results in more plant growth and brighter colored petals that will attract even more birds to your yard.
  • Gets Rid Of Pesky Insects: Besides berries and seeds, birds really love to eat bugs. If you want to get rid of any annoying mosquitoes you may have in the area, placing a bird feeder out can be a way to get rid of them without having to fall back on toxic insecticides.
  • Birds Will Weed Your Lawn: The common sparrow and finch eat weed seeds, as well as feed, so they can get rid of your weeds for you before they even grow. If there are enough of them in the area, you could significantly cut down on your hours working in the yard.

Along with being fun to watch, colorful birds add to the natural ambiance of your property which can up your curb appeal and interest potential buyers who want to be closer to their environment and get away from urban life. For information on their bird and pet supplies, call Bethel Feed & Supply Pet & Garden Center at (513) 734-2246. You can also visit their website.
