
In honor of two observances in April, Animal Health Center in Enterprise, AL, encourages pet owners to make pet first aid and heartworm prevention priorities. April is both National Heartworm Awareness Month and American Red Cross's Pet First Aid Awareness Month. The emergency veterinarians at Animal Health Center offer preventative services such as prescribing heartworm medication and administering vaccines for animals in all stages of life.

They also encourage pet owners to keep the following pet first aid tips available in case of emergencies, courtesy of the American Red Cross:

  • Bite Wounds: Don’t try to break up a dog fight, because you could be injured. If your pet is bitten by another animal, take him to the emergency vet immediately, even if it’s a minor wound. Bites can become easily infected and mask internal damage.
  • Poisoning: If your pet shows signs of dilated pupils, drooling or foaming at the mouth, seizures, bleeding, or other abnormal behavior, take him to an emergency vet as soon as possible.
  • Seizures: If your cat or dog is experiencing a seizure, make him as comfortable as possible. Don't attempt to restrain him, and keep your hands away from his mouth. If the seizure seems massive, seek veterinary care as soon as possible.
  • Heat Stroke: Symptoms of heat exhaustion and stroke include collapse, an elevated body temperature of 104 degrees or higher, vomiting, excessive panting, and increased salivation. Try to cool your pet by giving him water immediately. Visit the animal hospital if he doesn't drink.
  • Bleeding: If your pet is bleeding, apply pressure using gauze over the wound. It might be necessary to apply more gauze to absorb the bleeding until it stops or until you reach the care of an emergency vet.

The doctors at Animal Health Center have been treating animals for more than 50 years. They're committed to offering quality care, preventative services, owner education, and pet boarding services. If you need advice or care from a veterinarian, call Animal Health Center today at (334) 347-0544. Learn more about the clinic's services online.
