
Clean your gutters now or pay the price later! That's the message the experts at Walter St Clair Roofing in Cincinnati, OH, would like to tell their clients. Moisture easily accumulates in clogged gutters, which causes the growth and spread of harmful bacteria. Many homeowners also find out the hard way that a lack of regular gutter cleanings can cause mold, mildew, and rotting wood (among a variety of other issues), which can then lead to the rapid deterioration of their homes.

If you’re looking to maintain the safety, value, and aesthetic of your property, don’t wait until it’s too late! Keep your home and loved ones safe with high-quality cleaning and regular gutter repair from the professionals at Walter St Clair Roofing.

Additional overlooked mishaps that can occur when gutters are not routinely maintained include:

  • roofingLeaking Roofs: When a gutter cannot maintain the water drainage from the roof, spillage can cause damage. In colder weather this can cause the gutters to fill with ice, adding weight and pressure to the structure of your home.
  • Leaking Basements: Because gutters drain to the bottom exterior of the home, a clog can cause excess water to eventually leak into a basement. To prevent additional dangers like gas leaks, electrical shocks, or pollutants, invest in gutter repair.
  • Insect Infestations: Bugs thrive in moisture-rich environments. Carpenter ants, roaches, mosquitoes, and even termites are likely to appear in non-maintained gutters, causing a need for additional home repair services down the road.

Delaying gutter repair and cleaning exposes your home to potential damage and makes a routine task even more difficult to do. Save yourself from the troubles of costly repairs and invest in gutter maintenance services from Walter St Clair Roofing a few times a year to prevent havoc on the integrity of your home's structure. These reliable contractors have over 90 years of experience in repair, historical restoration, and home improvement services that will extend the life of your property. The company offers a variety of solutions, including roof repair, chimney care, and siding installation, among others.

Contact this family-owned roofing contractor today at (513) 641-3265 to obtain a free estimate for gutter repair and cleaning services. Visit Walter St Clair Roofing online to learn more about the services offered and the team’s extensive experience.
