
Are your wisdom teeth causing you discomfort? The dentists at Bridgeview Dental Group in Kodiak, Alaska, can help.

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars to emerge; they usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 21. They are often misaligned, which can damage the adjacent teeth, the jawbone, and the facial nerves. Wisdom teeth can also become impacted, which means they either failed to come in or emerged only partially. If an impacted wisdom tooth erupts through the gum, it can cause a tooth infection, tooth decay, and gum disease. When the dentists at Bridgeview Dental Group notice wisdom teeth coming in, they often recommend removing them to avoid more painful and complicated extractions in the future.

wisdom teeth

During wisdom teeth removal, the oral surgeon will use a local anesthetic and a sedative such as laughing gas or anesthesia. A wisdom tooth that has fully erupted can be extracted like any other tooth. However, a wisdom tooth that is located under the gums must be extracted in small sections. 

After the removal surgery, there is usually some level of discomfort and painkillers may be prescribed; however, some patients can treat their pain with ibuprofen and Tylenol alone. Patients can expect facial swelling for up to 72 hours, but keeping the head elevated and applying cold compresses will help the swelling go down. Bleeding is also normal in the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. Stick to a liquid diet by eating yogurt, pudding, and smoothies, but do not drink from a straw, as it can loosen the blood clots in your mouth. Slowly incorporate softer foods such as mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and pasta into your diet until you can begin eating normally. Continue practicing good dental care, but avoid using mouthwash until your mouth heals completely.

In addition to wisdom teeth removal, the team at Bridgeview Dental Group specializes in cosmetic dentistry, laser lip treatments, and tongue-tie treatments. For any questions about the wisdom teeth removal process, don’t hesitate to reach out to this experienced dental team. Visit the website or call the Kodiak, Alaska, office to make an appointment at (907) 486-3257.
