
If you’ve ever suffered from itchy red eyes due to spring allergies, you know spring isn’t necessarily a sweet-smelling bed of roses. That's why the eye doctors at Wing Eyecare in Cincinnati, OH, are here with a few eyecare tips to help see you through the pain of spring allergies. Follow these five tips to help you enjoy the springtime weather — and not have to suffer through it!

Here are the top five eyecare tips for spring allergies:

  • Get Your Glasses On: Red, itchy, watery eyes are a result of the same irritants that give you a runny nose when springtime comes into bloom — pollen in the air. Wearing glasses instead of contact lenses during this time can help protect your eyes. Contact lenses can actually attract and accumulate allergens in your eye. If the sun is shining, wraparound sunglasses are your best bet for keeping these particles out of your sensitive eyes.
  • eyecareCheck The Pollen Count: Avoiding the main culprit causing your swollen, red, itching eyes can be a huge help. Most local weather stations will provide a pollen count during springtime, so you can see how dire the situation outside might be — and stay safely indoors if needed!
  • Reach For The Eye Drops: Over-the-counter eye drops are a great eyecare tool for relieving dry itchy eyes. Consult with your eye doctor regarding the best option for you. If your situation is really bad, your doctor may even prescribe medicated drops.
  • Invest In An Air Purifier For Your Home: It can be nearly impossible to keep allergens out of your home completely, but an air purifier can help reduce them — so you can at least find some peace in your own home!
  • Talk To Your Doctor About Oral Medications: In some cases, oral medications such as antihistamines might be needed to conquer your spring allergies. This is something that needs to be checked with a doctor first.

A qualified eye doctor will advise you further on how to best care for your eyes during allergy season. If you are in the Greater Cincinnati area and find yourself suffering from eye allergies, call Wing Eyecare at (888) 274-9464. You can also find out more regarding their services on the website.
