
Losing the weight you gained while you were pregnant doesn’t have to be a battle. Shedding excess pounds post-baby requires diligence, particularly if you were overweight before you became pregnant, but the end result is well worth it.

Set a great example for your children by putting the following post-baby weight loss tips from Nebraska Weight Management Institute into practice. The Lincoln, NE, institute offers a variety of weight loss programs customized for each client’s goals and medical history.

Check out these weight loss tips for dropping those extra pounds for good:

  • Calorie Intake: Determine how many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight. Weight loss happens when you burn more calories than you consume, so think about how many calories you work off with your current exercise routine and whether adjustments to said routine and your diet are necessary. Keep in mind that the weight management experts do not recommend consuming less than 1,800 calories per day, particularly if you're breastfeeding, as neither you nor your baby will receive the nutrition necessary to live a healthy lifestyle.

weight loss tips

  • Support: Find the support you need to lose weight, whether it's from family and friends or through one of the Lincoln institute’s weight loss programs. Work out with a friend or family member, or discuss your needs and concerns with a team member from Nebraska Weight Management Institute.
  • Balanced Nutrition: Ensure you’re consuming a balanced diet for both you and your baby, especially if you are breastfeeding. Eat foods that keep you satiated and energized throughout the day, including lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy snacks, such as apple slices and whole wheat crackers.
  • Avoid “Fad” Programs: Stay away from fad weight loss programs that promise quick fixes. Steady, gradual weight loss is much healthier than any quick weight loss "solution," and it also makes you more likely to keep the weight off over time. Fad diets often feature severe diet limitations that make you more likely to binge or lack important nutrients.
  • Weekly Weigh-Ins: Keep track of your progress via weekly weigh-ins or measurements. This will help you stay motivated and make adjustments as needed, such as adding an extra 15 minutes to your daily walk, banishing junk foods from your house, getting more sleep, and eating smaller portions.

Utilize the above weight loss tips and count on the medical weight loss center whose team offers over 20 years of experience to help you achieve your dream size. For more on the weight loss programs available at Nebraska Weight Management Institute, please call (402) 483-4770 or visit the website today.

weight loss tips
