
The warm weather is finally here, and you know what that means: it's time for spring cleaning. Before you clean your carpets and scrub your floors, the heating and air contractors at Robinson Heating & Air Conditioning in Middletown, OH, suggest starting with your HVAC system. This will immediately improve your indoor air quality, as well as your energy efficiency.

Check out three reasons to clean out your HVAC system this spring, brought to you by the premier heating and air contractor in Southwest Ohio:

  • HVACMold & Mildew: When you turn on your air conditioner this spring, your HVAC system is going to push air through your ducts and fill your home with cool air. No problem, right? Wrong. If you haven't inspected your HVAC system recently, there's a good chance it's contaminated with mold and mildew. When you turn down your thermostat because the temperatures start to rise, you're sending mold spores throughout your home, which could cause health issues to you and your family.
  • Allergens: One of the first signs of spring is the presence of pollen. Every day, you may see clouds of it floating through the air. Unfortunately, this common allergen makes its way into your home by way of doors, windows, and your HVAC system. This means there may be pollen circulating throughout your home and triggering your allergies, even if you don't realize it.
  • Dust & Debris: Over the course of winter, dust and debris build up in our homes, and it usually finds its way into our HVAC system. When you clean out your ducts and vents, you're ridding your house of all types of contaminants, which can negatively affect the quality of your air.

Contact the heating and cooling experts at Robinson Heating & Air Conditioning for HVAC cleaning services by calling (800) 397-8975 today. Visit online for details, and don't forget to like them on Facebook for more tips.
