
If you’ve ever had an ingrown toenail, you know just how debilitating it can be. While it seems like a simple condition, ingrown toenails can take quite a toll on your daily activities, and can become extremely painful and uncomfortable. In fact, the expert podiatrists at Podiatry Associates of Rochester say ingrown toenails, or onychocryptosis, as the condition is clinically named, can impact your daily life in significant ways.

Ingrown toenails often make even the simplest of activities, like walking, difficult and painful. If you’ve ever experienced ingrown toenail pain, you know that staying off your feet until it heals sounds like a wonderful option. In addition to walking, if you’re an athlete like a runner, ingrown toenails can affect your ability to perform well, and may even force you to take a break until your ingrown toenail has been treated and healed.

The foot specialists at Podiatry Associates of Rochester say that ingrown toenails can even affect what kind of shoes you can wear, too. Patients who suffer from ingrown toenails may find it too painful to wear tight-fitting shoes, and wearing constricting shoes can even make the problem worse. It’s best to stick to loose fitting, breathable shoes.

foot specialist

If you leave an ingrown toenail untreated, it can impact your life in even more serious ways. Left untreated, some ingrown toenails can lead to an infection and may even require invasive treatments to heal. If you notice pus or an odor coming from your ingrown toenail, it could mean it’s become infected, so visit your local podiatry office immediately to consult a foot specialist.

If you ever find yourself suffering from an ingrown toenail and you’re in the Rochester, NY, area, be sure to schedule an appointment with Podiatry Associates of Rochester. This talented team of podiatrists can help treat your ingrown toenail before it becomes too painful or infected. Call the foot specialists today at (585) 342-8700 for a consultation, or visit Podiatry Associates of Rochester online to view a complete list of their services and to get directions to their two convenient Rochester, NY, locations.
