
When you’re choosing a printer to produce professional business cards and signage for your company the choice is easy, because Professional Image Inc. has been serving the Honolulu area for nearly 40 years. Our team makes creating custom-printed materials simple, but you still have to choose the designs and the fonts that will represent your business.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to choosing fonts, check out these three tips:

  • Less is More: When it comes to choosing fonts for your printed business materials professional printers maintain that less is more. When a business card or flyer includes many different fonts it becomes difficult to read, and it doesn’t look professional. For the sake of readability and consistency, select just one or two fonts for all of your business materials.
  • Highly Stylized Fonts Don’t Work For Most Businesses: Highly stylized fonts like Algerian, Denmark, Vivaldi, and Calligrapher, may work for some businesses, but most companies are better represented by simpler fonts. If you’re not in a creative industry, it’s best to stay away from overly stylized fonts and/or any fonts that mimic handwriting.
  • Opt For Readability & Elegance: The ideal business card font is unique enough to stand out, but also readable and timelessly elegant. Fonts like Baskerville, Frutiger, Bernhard Modern, and Elido, are great choices for a variety of businesses. Looking for another great tip? If you’re choosing a font for a large sign or banner you may want to opt for a san-serif font, since they tend to be easier to read.

Of course, these tips are just guidelines, and different businesses want to project different images, so it's up to you to make the final design decisions. If you need help finding the right font for your printed materials, reach out to the branding team at Professional Image, Inc. Visit us online now or call at (808) 532-6565 for more information! 
