
If you have questions about how to build a safe and effective workout routine, allow the personal trainers at CheetahFit Training and Massage Center to fill that gap. Located in Boulder, CO, Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center is a one-stop shop for health and wellness. Whether you have very little or quite a bit of experience with fitness, the Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center is a game changer that will provide a wealth of information and guidance to keep you on track for the long term.

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. It helps improve muscle and bone strength, reduce inflammation, manage weight and it is good for the heart system. Let’s focus on the fact that people who are more active have lower levels of inflammation. Lowering inflammation helps your body stay young as inflammation is the most influential factor in aging the body. Studies have shown that most common exercise classes and programs can increase inflammation significantly. The Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center makes sure that our clients never push harder than necessary to create optimum training effects and healing. This prevents this common problem from becoming an issue.

Now, let's talk strength. Strength peaks around 25 years of age, stays the same between 35-40 years of age and then starts declining with a 25% loss of peak force by the age of 65 years. However, strength can be greatly improved in as little as 8 weeks of resisted training. That applies to clients at any age, even into their 90’s. Stronger muscles enhance function by stabilizing joints and therefore reducing the risk of falls.

In older population hormonal mechanisms also work less efficiently, which can cause diabetes, myxedema, obesity and depression. However regular exercise is a great treatment for adult-onset diabetes and many patients can be spared of taking long term insulin therapy following proper fitness planning. Exercise following proper supplementation advice can also help patients with hypothyroidism, correct obesity, and depression.

Studies find that any amount and type of exercise may slow down the aging process. One of the most exciting recent discoveries is that a cell’s biological age is determined by measuring the length of its telomeres, which are tiny caps found on the end of DNA strands. They protect the DNA from damage. As we age, the telomeres shorten and fray. If you smoke, have diabetes or other health issues, the whole process can be accelerated and the cells age faster. Science suggests that regular physical activity may slow down the fraying and shortening of telomeres thereby extending a very important factor of youth. At the Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center, we recommend very specific supplements that lengthen telomeres in conjunction with your fitness plan to extend the experience of youth.

Regular physical activity can protect you against chronic diseases associated with old age. In some individuals, biological age can be reduced by as much as 20 years! At Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center, we believe in a variety of exercises as part of a complete health and wellness plan. We know that just adding more stress with random high-intensity workouts can be a problem so we design what work the best to prevent or reverse aging but also challenge your body in the right way to be strong and healthy.

Ready to start slowing down or reversing biological aging? Visit the CheetahFit Training and Massage Center's website for more information, drop by in person, or call (303) 475-4578 with questions or (303) 638-5152 to schedule an appointment with Boulder's best personal training gym and fitness center today and don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
