
If you’re active and looking to maintain the best level of fitness possible, allow the massage therapists at Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center to keep you healthy with sports massage. Located in Boulder, CO, Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center has all the amenities and services to aid you in your wellness journey. Whether you need help staying loose for an upcoming marathon or you just play a little basketball on the weekends, the licensed massage therapists at the Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center have the ability to keep your body in shape for the long term.

Cheetahfit Training and Massage center offers different types of bodywork. One of the most beneficial for athletes and generally active people is Sports Massage. Sports massage benefits include: reduced fatigue and recovery time during training or after an event, increased flexibility, improved performance relieved tension release and swelling reduction. It also helps prevent and clears injuries.It is not just targeted towards athletes, but also to weekend joggers and other professionals. All of the therapists in Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center focus on the overused and stressed areas of the body. Compared to other modalities, Sports Massage targets muscle-tendon junctions to achieve sports recovery and better movement.

Just like other massage modalities, sports massage has psychological effects like anxiety reduction. Relaxation is promoted and therefore anxiety levels are reduced. You system goes into parasympathetic mode, which means healing and significant reset can happen. This type of relaxation happens when the mechanoreceptors in muscles let go due to increased circulation and heat generated during the sports massage. Mechanoreceptors are feed back mechanisms which sense touch and pressure causing reflex relaxation. Studies show that even as little as 30 second massage can improve hip-flexor range of motion through this effect.

All of the Cheetahfit Massage therapists can perform Sports massage and it is a great addition to your exercise program. We believe that massage here and there is nice, but it will not provide the same benefits as a regular massage program. Just like exercise, massage benefits are cumulative which means the more often you receive it, the more benefits you receive. At Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center we offer affordable monthly memberships of 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes sessions. You can always call us and talk to our massage therapists to find a plan which best fits your needs.

Visit the CheetahFit Training and Massage Center's website for more information, drop by in person, or call (303) 475-4578 with questions or (303) 638-5152 to schedule an appointment with Boulder's best sports massage therapists today! Also, don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
