
It is a common misconception that the only time you need new tires is when you have experienced a blowout or the tire tread is worn down. Actually, other problems could arise that call for changing your tires, such as dry rot. This occurs when the oils and other chemicals in the rubber start to evaporate due to excessive heat (sun damage), improper storage, or constant low tire pressure. This causes the rubber to lose its flexibility and become brittle.

Superior Tire Service in Colusa, CA, understands the danger awaiting those who drive on tires with dry rot, and they want to explain how such accidents can be avoided:

  • tiresEarly Tire Repair: If caught in the early stages, dry rot can be treated. Try using a water-based tire product to seal any cracks that have appeared. Avoid any products that contain petrochemicals or silicone. If the dry rot has already advanced, tire repair will not be possible, and you will instead have to settle for purchasing new tires.
  • Prevent Blowouts & Loss Of Vehicle Control: If dry rot is allowed to persist, it can cause the tread to physically begin to separate. This leads to weak tires that will eventually blow out or completely deteriorate while you are driving. It's all a matter of when, not if.
  • Change Tires Before They Are 10: While most people will hopefully change their tires on a more regular basis than once a decade, this advice is for vehicles that are not driven very often. Even cars sitting in storage can develop hiccups, and this is especially true for dry rot on tires.

If you notice numerous cracks on your tires, it might be an indication that dry rot has been allowed to develop. Schedule an appointment today with the experienced technicians at Superior Tire Service to get new tires for your car and drive safely on the road once again. For more information about their other services, call (503) 458-7741 or visit them online.
