
To ensure proper operation and avoid accidents and expensive auto body repairs, motor vehicles require consistent maintenance. There are lots of simple things every car owner should do to keep their vehicle running smoothly and to prevent small problems from turning into big issues. The pros at Honolulu's best auto body shop, C & H Body And Fender recommend several steps you should take to protect your vehicle and save money:

  • Do A Self-Inspection: At least once a month, take a few minutes to check your headlights, taillights, tire pressure, and tire tread, and drive without the radio on to identify any new sounds. Proper tire pressure saves gas and increases traction, and catching a new buzz or thumping sound can alert you to a potential problem early.
  • Check The Fluids: Oil, antifreeze, power steering fluid, coolant, and windshield washer fluid are essential for proper vehicle operation and safety. Top off any low fluids, and if you see a leak, consult an auto body repair shop quickly. Leaks can damage the engine and other critical car components.
  • Change Your Oil Regularly: Whether you do it yourself or at a repair shop, every vehicle needs regular oil changes for maximum engine performance and vehicle lifespan. Consult your vehicle’s manual for the proper mileage span between oil body repair
  • Get Tires Rotated & Balanced: This makes sure your tires wear away evenly so they last as long as possible, and makes the vehicle drive smoother and safer, which can help prevent accidents. Consult your owner's manual for how often this should be done.
  • Replace The Wiper Blades: Not only is this super easy to do, but new blades are pretty cheap and a clear windshield makes driving much safer. If the wipers are leaving streaks even after you wipe them off, it’s time to replace them. Don’t wait until the they completely wear away and scratch the windshield, either!

For more auto care tips or to schedule an auto body repair appointment in Honolulu, call the certified auto body experts at C & H Body And Fender today at (808) 841-3618 or visit their website.
