
Dealing with a clogged drain can be a hugely frustrating experience. However, there are a few tricks you can try before picking up the phone to call a plumber. Family-owned-and-operated Joe Klosterman Plumbing has been providing expert plumbing services to the residents of Cincinnati for over 25 years. Here are their top three drain cleaning tips to get rid of that clog: 

  • Wire Hanger: When your bathtub drain or kitchen sink is clogged, head to your closet. Grab a wire clothes hanger and straighten it out as much as you can, creating a small hook on one end. Next, send your tool down into your clogged drain and pull out any gunk that may be stuck in the pipe.
  • Plunger: Whether it's your toilet, your bathroom sink, or your kitchen drain, a plunger will usually solve your problem. For toilets, go ahead and use your toilet plunger. For a cleaner, more sanitary tool to use elsewhere, pick up a sink plunger from your hardware store and put it to work in the kitchen.

While DIY drain cleaning methods work sometimes, they're not always the quickest and most efficient method for unclogging drains. If you want to unclog your drains once and for all, contact Joe Klosterman Plumbing. These plumbers have the tools and the skills to open up your pipes and keep your water flowing, no matter how bad it's stopped up.

For affordable residential plumbing services in Cincinnati, contact Joe Klosterman Plumbing by calling (513) 941-6766 or visit them online for details.
