
For over 30 years, the experienced driving instructors at Eaton Driving School have been providing high-quality driver education to the people of Rochester, NY. Eaton's instructors understand that merging into expressway traffic can be intimidating, but with their top-notch education courses, practice, and patience, any student driver can master the act of merging onto a highway. Below, Eaton's expert driving instructors share their best tips for merging onto expressway traffic.

The Proper Way To Merge

  • Use the entrance ramp to gain speed. Don't go over the speed limit, but use the ramp to accelerate until you reach the same speed as the expressway traffic.

  • Activate your turn signal. Doing this will alert others that you’re trying to merge into traffic.
  • Look for a gap in traffic while continuing to look ahead and behind you. You need to be vigilant and on the lookout for cars in front of or behind you that are speeding up or braking.
  • Once you locate a gap in traffic, merge into it quickly. The best time to be looking for a gap in traffic is while you're on the entrance ramp.
  • De-activate your turn signal once you successfully merge into traffic.

Tips To Remember

  • You don’t have the right of way. Cars that are currently driving on the expressway have the right of way. It’s your job to find gaps in traffic and merge.
  • You have plenty of time to merge. You'll get an average of 15 seconds of merging time, and you can adjust your speed to find a gap either in front of or behind you. Don’t panic!
  • You’ll need to practice. One successful merge does not equal mastery. Practice merging and exiting the expressway, and stay in the far right lane until you're comfortable changing lanes.
  • Don’t slow down before getting on the exit ramp. Keep your expressway speed until you enter the exit ramp, then start slowing down.

Taking driving courses at Eaton Driving School in Rochester is a great investment of your time and money. Not only will Eaton's instructors help you pass your driving test, but the courses can help lower your insurance rates and even earn you an international driving permit. Eaton Driving School invites first time drivers and long time drivers to take their courses; they promise a driving education that is self-paced and affordable. Enroll today by calling (585) 227-4800. Visit the website for more information on course listings, and follow them on Facebook for news and promotions.
