
The roof is the crown of the home, heavily influencing the overall aesthetics and offering necessary protection from the elements. Roofing is more than just shingles, though—it’s a complex system of layers that homeowners need to think about when purchasing a new roof. Superior Products Exteriors, a team of roofing contractors in Cincinnati, OH, wants to explain the ins and outs of roofing anatomy. Before you buy a new roof, make sure you learn about these layers:

  • Drip Edge: As one of the lowest roofing layers, the drip edge protects the home from rain and prevents heavy wind from lifting the roof. The roofing contractors at Superior Products Exteriors will help you determine whether your new roof should be built with aluminum strips or galvanized steel.
  • Underlayment: Roofing underlayment attaches to the drip edge to intercept water that may seep through other layers. This part of a new roof is usually made with tough felts or fiberglass.
  • Deck: Roofing contractors install a deck above the underlayment. This roofing layer is usually made from plywood or oriented strand board. If your home requires a particular kind of new roof, the roofing contractors at Superior Products Exteriors may recommend installing another type of deck.
  • Shingles: As the outer element of a new roof, shingles capture the most attention as homeowners decide between dozens of different types. The roofing contractors at Superior Products Exteriors will explain the pros and cons of all kinds of shingles. They offer many types of products so you can find a color and style that fit your home perfectly.

Superior Products Exteriors offers durable, attractive roofing for homes in the Cincinnati area. To purchase a new roof, call (513) 231-1168, or visit the website today. 
