
In the midst of divorce proceedings, the subject of child support costs may feature heavily. Many parents wonder just how these costs are determined, and in fact, the final tally can be based on a number of factors. As Lincoln, NE’s family law attorneys, Payne Law Office affords every client with sound legal advice on a variety of issues, including those related to child support costs.

Attorney Stephanie Payne and her highly knowledgeable legal team know how important securing a quality family court lawyer can be. This is especially true when it comes to determining child support amounts, which must be sufficient to cover a child’s needs while also remaining in line with a parent’s financial status. While child support guidelines vary from state to state, the following factors are typically used to determine costs:

  • Childcare Costs: Daycare costs can be extremely expensive for working parents. Accordingly, some states factor these costs into child support calculations. This is usually reflected in dependent care exemption on federal income taxes, though in some cases an exemption is available for state taxes as well.
  • Deductions: In the event that a parent is beholden to previous child support/alimony payments, some courts will allow these amounts to be deducted from total income. In this case, payments must be court-ordered and current.
  • Custody And Visitation Arrangements: Time spent with children can also be a factor in child support costs. In general, less visitation time will incur higher amounts. Conversely, shared custody arrangements can serve to lower the amount of child support owed each month.
  • Income: Both parents’ income will be taken into consideration when establishing costs. Determinations are made based on a percentage of this combined income, and depending on the state, gross or net income may be used.

Are you searching for dependable legal advice in Lincoln, NE? Let Payne Law Office assist you in all family law matters, thereby ensuring the best possible outcome of your case. Arrange a free consultation today by calling (402) 477-7246 or visit them online for a full listing of practice areas.
