
As a driver, it's important that you're aware of the proper steps to take if you're involved in an automobile collision. The accident attorneys at Carey & Hamner, P.C. have more than 20 years of combined legal experience in this field, and they want to ensure that the drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians of the Dothan, Alabama area stay safe on the roadways. Here, they share five important steps to take after an automobile accident.

  • Take a Deep Breath: You're likely going to be shaken up after a crash. Take some deep breaths and stay as calm and focused as you can.
  • Check for Injuries: Do a quick check for injuries. After you check yourself, make sure the other passengers in your vehicle are safe. Then, if you're able, carefully move your car to the side of the road and out of the way of other vehicles.
  • Call for Help: You can contact the Alabama Highway Patrol directly by dialing *HP. They will respond to your case immediately and call the paramedics, if necessary. You may also want to call 911 just to guarantee that help is on the way.
  • automobile accidentReport the Accident: Call your insurance company, and let them know you've been involved in an automobile accident. Then, call the accident attorneys at Carey & Hamner, P.C., so you can safeguard your rights and be legally protected by a team of experienced lawyers.
  • Exchange Information: You will have to exchange insurance information with the other driver. Again, try to maintain your composure throughout this exchange, and never admit fault. You should also politely decline to discuss the details of the accident; that information should be shared only with the police, your insurance company, and your accident attorney at Carey & Hamner, P.C.

For lawyers who truly care about their clients, call Carey & Hamner, P.C. at (855) 435-4797 to schedule a free case evaluation. You can also visit them online to learn more about their other areas of practice, including workers' comp claims and Social Security Disability cases. 
