
While New York law allows you to represent yourself in almost any legal proceeding, your interests are almost always better served by hiring an experienced attorney, especially when you're filing for bankruptcy. Robert A. Schwartz, a Rochester debt relief lawyer with over 30 years' experience, stresses the importance of seeking legal counsel before filing your petition.

The bankruptcy process is incredibly complex, but your lawyer will help answer some important questions, help you choose which bankruptcy program is best for your situation, and ensure that all of your eligible debts are included. While the trustee may seize some of your property in an attempt to pay your creditors, Mr. Schwartz helps you take advantage of all of your exemptions, allowing you to keep as much of your property as possible. 

The bankruptcy codes are constantly changing, which means online tools and guides can quickly become outdated. Your attorney will stay informed on modifications to the law, increasing the chances that your petition will be approved.

Mr. Schwartz will also ensure that you receive all of the benefits included in a bankruptcy, including the automatic stay on collections activities. When you file, your creditors are required to immediately cease all wage garnishment, lawsuits, and collections efforts, but for many reasons they often continue.

A bankruptcy attorney will put a stop to creditor harassment for you, providing a chance for you to start over. To learn more about the benefits of filing for bankruptcy protection, visit Robert A. Schwartz online now. You can also call (585) 351-2929 to schedule a consultation today.
