
It's can be incredibly liberating to own and use a private water well — but with that privilege comes responsibility. Werner Well & Pump Service LLC, New Milford, Connecticut's father-and-son well service company has put together a few tips on maintaining your well and monitoring it for the presence of contaminants:

  • water wellStore Hazardous Materials Far From Your Well: That includes paint, fertilizer, oil, pesticides, or any vehicles or equipment containing hazardous liquids. Ensure that your well is adequately spaced from wastewater treatment systems and other underground systems, and call Werner Well & Pump Service LLC for an inspection if you aren't sure.
  • Avoid Accidentally Siphoning Chemicals: You can avoid this by making sure you don't put your garden hose inside mixing containers or other places where chemicals may be present.
  • Get Your Water Well Tested Periodically:  Doing so ensures that the quality of your water has not changed.  Also, you should have your system checked if your water has changed in appearance, odor, or taste.

Werner Well & Pump Service LLC is proud to be a small, family-owned company. Give them a call at (860) 354-0290. You can also visit their website to learn more about their well drilling, filtration, and inspection services.
