
EXIT Realty Upper Midwest is a non-traditional company using cutting-edge business techniques to create and fulfill leadership opportunities for eager entrepreneurs. Hiring real estate agents is where the process begins, but giving them the tools to be leaders in the industry is the where things take off. Here’s why their ever-expanding team of entrepreneurs is so successful:

Hiring Real Estate Agents

  • Tackling Business Projects & Finishing Them Successfully: The key to success in the real estate business is finding a system that works and using it. This may sound simple, but it’s not always common practice. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, and while we may be inspired by one another, it’s sometimes a mistake to mimic a person’s habits or work methods. A successful entrepreneur knows his talents and understands his shortcomings even as he works to improve them. When tackling business projects, he operates in his own strengths and works in a manner that fully leverages them.
  • Enlisting Help & Receiving Support: Finishing a difficult project is sometimes beyond our own abilities. That’s when smart entrepreneurs enlist help and support from their team. There’s no shame in reaching out to those who are competent and trustworthy. Being successful in project handling takes persistence and the ability to humble yourself and work well with others. When you do this consistently, you develop a great reputation and forge lasting relationships with clients and other industry professionals.

Bill Pankonin, EXIT Realty Upper Midwest Regional Owner (which includes Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota), was awarded the prestigious honor of International Region Of The Year in 2014. As a true leader in the real estate business, he understands and applies business strategies and team-building techniques to grow his team. He sets a great example for others, recognizes their individual potential, and helps them reach it.

To find out more about exciting real estate leadership opportunities and growth in business, reach out to EXIT Realty Upper Midwest online, or call (612) 414-4022 to speak with them directly. 
