
After a record breaking winter, with temperatures plunging into the subzero mark for a number of weeks and over 67 inches of accumulated snowfall in the Northeast, your home and property need some special attention to assess damage. Freezing temperatures, temperature fluctuations, excessive salting, and heavy traffic can cause serious damage to your driveway, street, and parking lot. Luckily Beausoleil & Sons offers a comprehensive paving and asphalt repair service to restore your street or parking lot to a smooth, durable condition.

Among the frequent conditions that affect home and business owners when spring hits, the most common are:

  • Cracked Driveways or Asphalt
  • Potholes in Parking Lots
  • Damaged Cobblestone Driveways & Walkways
  • Faults in Tennis Courts, Basketball Courts, and Playgrounds
  • Excavation of Degraded Concrete & Asphalt

Utilizing a fusion of time-tested techniques, as well as the most advanced methods for maintenance and repairs, this commercial paving company will treat these and other common ailments affecting your driveway and parking lot. Assess the damage to your asphalt driveway or parking lot, and schedule any repairs from this trusted paving contractor. Whether it is your driveway, sidewalk, tennis court, basketball court, or cobblestone walkway, the professionals at Beausoleil & Sons will restore it to its previous strength and beauty. Click Here to get your free quote! 
