
Your feet are often taken for granted until you start to suffer from foot pain that hinders your ability to get around. At Podiatry Associates of Rochester in Rochester, New York, they often walk their patients through the process of identifying foot pain so they can better understand their foot issues and what may be causing them. Here are some tips for recognizing unusual foot pain from the foot and ankle specialists at Podiatry Associates of Rochester:

  • Heel Pain: If you are experiencing intense heel pain that is irritating or your feet are inflamed early in the morning, you may have plantar fasciitis. Alternatively, if you experience sharp heel pain when you are standing and walking, this may be a result of abnormal bone growths, called heel spurs, that are due to wearing the wrong shoes or improper posture.

  • Ball of foot pain: If you feel sharp pain, odd sensations, or even numbness on the ball of your foot, you could be suffering from Morton’s neuroma. This issue is more common in women who wear high heels or shoes that are too tight.
  • Toe Pain: Gout is a form of arthritis that can cause severe pain in the toes. If you notice intense pain between your toes coupled with swelling, you may have gout. In addition, if you wear the wrong shoes and notice toe pain and a tiny bulge on the edge of your foot, you may have a bunion or hammertoe that should be treated at a podiatry office.

If you live in the Rochester, New York area and you’re looking for a foot specialist to help with your swollen feet or bunion pain, call Podiatry Associates of Rochester today at (585) 342-8700 to schedule your first appointment. To learn more about their services and treatment options, visit their website.
