Auto Repair Shop
Ed Turner Auto Repair
3820 W White Mountain Blvd., Lakeside, AZ 85929

About Ed Turner Auto Repair

Dealing with a car that won’t start, has an oil leak, or has screeching brakes means you need an expert mechanic who can resolve those issues for you. Ed Turner Auto Repair is just the repair shop you need to get over a bad starter, poor brakes, or any other mechanical issues your vehicle could have. Located in Lakeside, AZ, this auto repair shop is a community staple thanks to their ability to restore vehicles to working order.


Whether you hear a knock in your engine or your transmission slips between gears, any issues under your hood can be resolved with help from these expert mechanics. Their services include electric repairs, A/C repairs, diagnostic services, and more. With over 40 years of experience, their team will ensure you never have to worry about the headaches of an inoperable car.


Get the auto maintenance care you need when you allow Ed Turner Auto Repair to be your trusted auto mechanic. Call (928) 368-6100 to schedule an appointment for service.
