
Even though most people acknowledge that they should floss, many people fail to make this necessary technique part of their dental hygiene routine. Dentistry specialists say that some patients avoid flossing because they find it uncomfortable, especially if they have sensitive teeth and gums. Pediatric Dental Group, a dentist for kids in Honolulu, wants to help young patients floss without pain by finding the right floss for sensitive teeth. Here’s what the pediatric dentistry recommends:

  • Waxed Floss: Wax-coated floss allows the string to slip between teeth more easily and more comfortably. Fortunately, waxed floss is one of the most common types available and comes in flavors like peppermint and spearmint. At your child’s next teeth cleaning, ask the dental hygiene specialist at Pediatric Dental Group which brand of floss is best.
  • Soft Floss: Thin, stringy flosses can sometimes shred between teeth, making the process more frustrating and uncomfortable for kids and adults alike. The dentist for kids at Pediatric Dental Group suggests looking for soft, woven floss at your local drugstore. It’s often labeled as good for sensitive teeth.
  • Dental Tape: Also known as wide floss, dental tape is one of the best choices for patients with sensitive teeth and gums. The wider floss is more comfortable than standard floss and makes it easier to add flossing to your dental hygiene routine.

No matter which type of floss you choose, make sure that you’re following proper techniques as demonstrated by the dentist for kids at Pediatric Dental Group. To schedule an appointment with the baby dentist, call (808) 593-8828 for the Honolulu office or (808) 245-2131 for the Lihue office, or visit the website
