
Most people interact with the legal process only a few times in their lives, which means they often don't know what to do when it's time to hire an attorney. Robert A. Schwartz, a bankruptcy and real estate lawyer with more than 30 years' experience serving Rochester residents, has some tips for preparing for your initial meeting with an attorney.

  • Prepare Your Documentation: If the attorney with whom you're meeting has sent you a pre-meeting questionnaire, make sure you fill it out and bring it with you, or send it in advance if they request that you do so. Having your vital information at hand will allow your lawyer to focus on the specifics of your case.
  • Prepare an Outline: To help your attorney develop an in-depth understanding of your situation, prepare a detailed chronology of the events of your case, including the specific dates of each incident and when other parties got involved.
  • Gather Your Documentation: If you have any contracts, correspondence, photos, accident reports, employee guidelines, or any other evidence pertinent to your case, gather it beforehand and bring it all with you.
  • Define Your Goals: Having a clearly defined ideal outcome will help you discuss legal options with your attorney. They will also discuss the likelihood of any expected outcome and help you set realistic expectations for the result of your case.

If you're involved in a real estate transaction or need bankruptcy assistance, visit Robert A. Schwartz online or call (585) 351-2929 to schedule a consultation today.
