
Taking care of your beloved pets may not technically be a full-time job, but their well-being is always a full-time concern. Waipio Pet Clinic in Waipahu, HI is number one when it comes to pet care and veterinary medicine, and they know that one of the major steps in taking care of your dog comes into play when it's time to eat.

But how much is too much, and how can you tell when you're overloading on your dog's daily food portions? Contrary to what the back of the dog food bag may lead you to believe, there is a precise way to know how much to feed your dog during each meal. While the dog food companies tend to place a varying estimate based on the size of your dog, everyone's pets are different.

Here are a few things to consider when preparing your dog's meals:

  • Weight: Don't just note how much your dog weighs now; factor in their ideal weight to significantly extend their well-being. According to a Purina study, dogs fed to their ideal body condition live an average of 1.8 years longer than overweight dogs. You can figure this out using a combination of visual inspection and touch, with more information available through guides like the Purina Body Condition System.

  • Level of Activity: This is pretty straightforward since it's something we usually consider for ourselves, as well. Your dog's activity level and current life stage should be taken into account when deciding how much food they need for each meal.
  • Flexibility: Keep in mind that the key result here is keeping your dog healthy and making sure they're not overweight. If results aren't great at first, recalculate and adjust portion measuring until you're both satisfied. It's also important to remember that this applies to adult dogs; you'll want to consult a special feeding program for puppies.

Pay extra attention to your dog's food portions, and you'll have your furry friend living a healthier life in no time. For more on animal wellness and dog care, be sure to contact the experts at Waipio Pet Clinic. You can visit them online or call them at (808) 676-2205.
