
Ice, snow, and rain are the enemies of highways; they can quickly turn roads into slippery danger traps for drivers. 1st Choice Insurance in Fairfield, Ohio provides comprehensive coverage for your vehicle and wants you and your loved ones to be safe when you're driving during bad weather.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when driving in poor weather conditions:

  • Rain: It only takes a little bit of drizzle to make the roads slick due to a buildup of oil and other fluids. Slow down and keep at least a five to 10-car distance from the driver in front of you. Properly working windshield wipers and headlights will help you navigate rain-soaked roads. 
  • Snow: Avoid quick acceleration or braking to prevent skidding. Even if you have antilock brakes, it’s best to keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of your foot to apply firm pressure on the brake pedal. 1st Choice Insurance offers a number of discounts to reduce your monthly premiums, including rewarding drivers for having antilock brakes.
  • Ice: It’s always best not to drive on ice-covered roads when it can be avoided. If you must venture out, drive slowly, keep enough distance between vehicles in front of you, and turn into a slide if you feel your car or truck fishtailing. If you’re looking for policies with features such as rental car availability while your car or truck is being repaired, 1st Choice Insurance provides a variety of policies customized for your needs.

For free car insurance quotes, including for motorcycle insurance and SR-22 insurance, call 1st Choice Insurance at (513) 860-0666. Check out their website for information on other policies, including homeowners insurance and bond insurance.
