
Parents have the most difficult time getting their own children to behave, especially at bedtime. Why is this? It's usually because the majority of parents don't know how to say no; or they do say no, but they don't know how to follow through. Children know this and play it to their advantage to get what they want.

If a child knows that they can constantly get you to change your mind, they'll quickly learn that no really means "keep bugging me and I'll give in to your request." Whether you're a parent who hasn't realized this yet, or perhaps you just have an overactive child who refuses to listen to you at bedtime, this could be the solution you've been wishing for!

Reading in Preschool has a tried and proven solution for getting kids to WANT to go to bed! Audio books! Fun, audio books!

It's simple! Figure out what you know your child likes to read and find it in audio! Once ready for bed, tell little Johnny that he's allowed to read in bed or be read to, for 20-30 minutes (however long you decide). (Reading before bed is a great way for you and your children to bond, and also helps them to unwind, making it easier to fall asleep!) Then, after story time, tell them that if they lay quietly in bed, they're allowed ONE audio book of their choosing. (Make it clear that it's just one, or they'll think it's ok to ask for another when it's over.) Press play and then turn out the lights and say that if you hear any noise, you'll be coming back in to turn off the story and they'll have to go to sleep without it. This will work IF and only IF you keep your word. If you tell your children this, but then don't follow through, you'll be back to square one and having to go in after the story is over to calm them down again. It's very important that you keep your word!

* Practice following through with what you say to your children! This works in every type of situation! If you're not used to sticking to your word, the first few times may be difficult; but just try it! I promise you'll be amazed at how fast you'll start to notice a difference, with the way your kids actually start listening to you!

AUDIO WEBSITES: is a great site where you can become a member and get great deals.

Here are a few sites where you can download kids stories for free!

*It's very important that you pick stories that are fun and that go with your child's preferences. Old classics aren't going to work for a younger child.

For any advice or questions about this, feel free to write to Good luck!
