
Many people suffer from indigestion after their Thanksgiving meals, but for some, it’s more than just an occasional problem. GERD Awareness Week, held during Thanksgiving week (November 23 – 29), was created to raise awareness of this common condition. The Heartburn and Reflux Program at Kona Community Hospital in Kealakekua, HI, shares information about reflux symptoms and treatments. In addition to reflux care, the hospital also offers cancer services, weight loss programs, and surgical services.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, occurs when stomach acid travels into the esophagus due to a weakness in the sphincter that separates the stomach and esophagus. When this occurs, you may experience heartburn, indigestion, and pain in your chest. Other symptoms can include hoarseness, throat clearing, chronic cough, or asthma.

When you visit the Heartburn and Reflux Program at Kona Community Hospital, doctors may suggest that you make certain lifestyle changes that will help reduce GERD symptoms. Changes that can help are often as simple as raising the head of your bed, avoiding eating three hours before you lie down, or staying away from problematic foods, such as citrus fruits, chocolate, spicy and fatty foods, tomato-based foods, and coffee.

Medication may also be helpful in controlling GERD. Over-the-counter proton pump inhibitors reduce pain by preventing the production of stomach acid. In some cases, medication alone doesn’t stop the symptoms. In that case, doctors may recommend surgery to reconstruct the valve between the stomach and esophagus.

If you live in the Kona area and are concerned about your GERD symptoms, call Kona Community Hospital at (808) 322-9311. Doctors at the hospital’s Heartburn and Reflux Program specialize in the condition and can help you manage the pain of chronic heartburn. For more information, be sure to visit their website.
