
Being accused of a DUI is an overwhelming, even terrifying situation, with very serious repercussions that can impact almost every area of your life. After one small mistake, you could have your license revoked, face stiff fines, and even find yourself in jail. Gary C. Mitchell, P.C., a respected DUI attorney with almost 40 years' experience serving Ruidoso, New Mexico residents, has some tips on what to do, and what to avoid, if you're pulled over for a DUI.

  • Don't Drink And Drive: Driving under the influence is incredibly dangerous, and can wind up being much costlier than any taxi fare could ever be.
  • Say As Little As Possible: While you may be tempted to be cooperative with the officer to reduce suspicion, there is actually no upside in interacting with the officer. Provide your drivers' license and other required documentation, but you're not required to answer any of the officer's questions.
  • Refuse The Field Sobriety Tests: You're actually not required to perform field sobriety tests, which are very difficult even for many people who haven't been drinking.
  • Refuse To Take The Roadside Breath Test: While refusing to take the in-station Breathalyzer test will cause your license to be revoked, there are no similar penalties for refusing the roadside breath test in New Mexico. Doing it can only hurt you, and you can still be arrested if you “pass.”

Finally, contact a skilled criminal law and DWI lawyer immediately. Visit Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. online or call (575) 257-3070 to schedule a consultation today.
