
While we brush our teeth every day, flossing is just as important for your dental hygiene. Though we're well aware of why brushing is a crucial part of dental care, information about flossing is less universally known. Pediatric Dental Group is here to let you know about flossing's many benefits.

  • It's effective: Though brushing our teeth isn't something to forego, dentists recommend incorporating flossing because it's more effective than brushing alone. Since your toothbrush is tasked with removing plaque, the bristles are unable to get between your teeth and under your gums. For the maximum effect, it's best to floss before brushing as it allows the toothpaste to access parts of your mouth it typically can't. 
  • It saves money: Our health and our money are two things most people take very seriously. Fortunately, flossing is great for both. Not only preserving the state of our teeth, flossing is also a powerful preventative measure — studies have shown good oral care can decrease your medical costs by half. 
  • Could be lifesaving: Oral health is greatly associated with overall health. Though we may not think of flossing as something that can prevent a chronic — or even deadly — condition, shockingly it does. For instance, periodontal disease, commonly caused by not flossing, has been linked to the development of heart disease, dementia, and even diabetes.

With locations in Honolulu and Lihue, Hawaii's own Pediatric Dental Group is a provider of teeth cleaning and comprehensive dental exams. For more information on our orthodontics and services, please visit our website or call (808) 593-8828.
