
It goes without saying that being a new parent can be pretty scary. You’re entrusted with this little human and you have to figure out how to help him grow into a responsible adult. Not to mention, you have do what it takes to keep him healthy and well taken care of. Luckily, you don’t have to be alone in this new adventure. There are professionals who have been trained to care for your child, including the staff at Pediatric Dental Group.

One of the common concerns you may have is if one of your child’s baby teeth has fallen out and the adult tooth hasn’t made an appearance yet. According to those who work in dental care, there’s no need to be worried, since there are a couple reasons why it hasn’t come in:

  • The adult tooth isn’t ready: Your child could’ve lost his baby tooth a little early and the adult tooth isn’t ready to come in yet. This is a normal occurrence and can easily be remedied by a quick visit to the dentist. They’ll be able to see if a small appliance needs to be installed to hold the space until the adult tooth is ready to push its way through the gums.
  • There’s not enough room: The issue could also be that the surrounding teeth aren’t allowing enough room for the new tooth to grow. This will require a visit to the orthodontics office, where they will be able to examine your child’s mouth and discuss what the next steps should be in order to move the other teeth to make room.

Set your worries aside and talk with one of the professionals at Pediatric Dental Group by calling (808) 593-8828. Located in Honolulu, HI, the experts at Pediatric Dental Group have been specially trained to treat kids and will provide all you need as far as dental care is concerned. They’ll be more than happy to answer any dentistry questions you may have.
