
A beautiful smile that shows off a set of gleaming white teeth is both attractive and an indicator of great oral health. As with many things, it’s best to ingrain good dental hygiene habits in children starting from a young age. At the Pediatric Dental Group, we have been caring for the oral health of Hawaii's little ones since 1966. Here are our best tips for keeping your child’s teeth healthy and white.

Tip 1: Bring your child to the dentist regularly, starting at the age of one. True, your child’s baby teeth are going to fall out, but bringing your child to the dentist regularly from the beginning will help to ensure their overall oral health, as well as alert the dentist to any potential problems early on, before they become painful and expensive issues. Additionally, our team at the Pediatric Dental Group will spend time educating your children on the importance of healthy dental care and will show them how to do so, thereby ensuring that your child will have great dental hygiene habits for life.

Tip #2: Brush your child’s teeth with whitening toothpaste that also contains fluoride. Another best practice to keep your child's teeth white and healthy is to have them brush twice a day with whitening toothpaste that contains fluoride, which will help remove bacterial plaque from the teeth. It’s also important that they begin to floss once they have two teeth that touch together. Flossing is vital for both teeth and gum health, and shouldn’t be skipped even when your child has nothing but baby teeth. 

Tip #3: Ask your dentist about other whitening options. Sometimes, even if they brush and floss just like they should, your children's teeth may still be discolored. This can be due to a variety of factors (extended antibiotic use, perhaps due to chronic ear infections, for instance, which can discolor your child’s teeth). The pediatric dentistry professionals at Pediatric Dental Group can speak with you about a variety of whitening options, including over-the-counter strips or whitening trays, and help you figure out the best solution for your child.

At Pediatric Dental Group, the staff is dedicated to providing your child with superior oral health services in a comfortable, friendly environment. In addition to receiving the usual schooling, the dentists at Pediatric Dental Group have also undergone an additional two to three years of training, specializing in pediatric dentistry. They’re experienced in customizing their dental care to your individual child’s age, needs, and emotional maturity, to create the most positive experience possible.

Your children deserve dental care that is specifically tailored to their needs. To schedule an appointment at Pediatric Dental Group, call (808) 593-8828 for the Honolulu office or (808) 245-2131 for the Lihue office today.
