
Utility trailers are helpful for hauling equipment and heavy items. However, the extra structure following your vehicle can change how you drive. It’s important to understand how the driving experience differs so you can make adjustments and improve your road safety, even when hauling heavy loads. Below, find the common issues that utility trailers incite. 

Increased Start & Stop Time

Dump and utility trailers add extra weight onto your vehicle, which means the engine has to work harder to keep everything moving. Your brake also needs to work harder to bring your vehicle to a complete stop. It’s essential that you stay at a slow and steady speed when driving with a trailer. You should also leave a significant distance between you and the car in front of you to reduce your chances of needing to come to a sudden stop since it will likely take you longer than usual.

Higher Potential for Swerving

If the weight in your vehicle and utility trailer isn’t evenly distributed, you could notice fishtailing where the trailer goes back and forth as you drive. To avoid this, take turns and lane switches very slowly, and try to pack your trailer as evenly as possible. Avoid placing all of the weight at the rear.

Magnified Road Hazards 

If you have to drive up or down hills, navigate in rain or icy conditions, or stop suddenly due to hazards in the road, hauling a trailer behind you can magnify those issues. You have even more weight to haul up a hill, and another unit that needs to stay at a controlled speed when going downhill or when weather issues impact road conditions. If possible, try to plan your route to avoid major roadblocks like hills, construction sites, or heavy traffic areas. You should also try to haul heavy equipment in clear weather conditions.


If you’re looking for utility trailers to haul any of your equipment or heavy items, Smith Trailers and Equipment, Inc. can help. Serving customers throughout the Cincinnati, OH, area, the company provides a variety of equipment and dump trailers, as well as trailer rental options and repair services. The company’s skilled technicians can even perform trailer hitch installation to get your vehicle ready for hauling. With more than 22 years of service, the family-owned and operated business is known for providing quality and variety, so customers can find the exact solutions they’re looking for. Call (513) 755-2497 or visit the company’s website to learn more about specific services.
