
Hurricane season in Hawaii runs from June through November, and the community-minded moving professionals at M. Dyer & Sons want you to be prepared to weather the storm safely. 

Generally, Hawaiians can expect to experience about four or five hurricanes each year (although during the worst hurricane years, as many as 11 have been reported). Fortunately, the Hawaiian islands (with the exception of the island of Kauai), have largely remained unaffected by direct hurricane hits. During a typical hurricane, Hawaiians can instead expect high waves and moderately strong winds. 

However, hurricane preparation should still be taken seriously. When you hear that a hurricane or tropical storm advisory has been issued, it’s important that you take the following steps as quickly as possible:

  • Get boards, shutters, or other shielding materials ready to cover windows and doors, especially doors that have glass that could break.
  • Check that you have enough food and water. It’s a good idea to have clean, airtight containers on hand that can store at least two weeks of drinking water, just in case the storm leaves you without running water. Each person in your family will need about 14 gallons of water to have enough for two weeks. Stock up on food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated, like canned goods, and that won’t go bad quickly. (If you’d like to have items that need to be refrigerated on hand, line a cooler with freezer packs and store the food and/or beverages in there.)
  • Check that your first aid kit and medicine cabinet are fully stocked with the necessary items. Replenish what you don’t have. If you or a family member takes a daily medication, make sure you have enough on hand for about 10-14 days.
  • Fill up your car with gas, and make sure your vehicle is in good working order.
  • Have an extra supply of cash at the ready, and stock up on essentials like batteries for radios, flashlights, and lanterns.
  • Make sure your lawn furniture and other lightweight outdoor items that could blow away (like trash cans) are put away and secure.

For over 45 years, the professional movers at M. Dyer & Sons have been providing superior quality services to families and businesses in Hawaii. They take pride in providing the best moving, storage, and logistics services, as well as the best customer service in the area. They know that moving can be a stressful hassle and are dedicated to giving you a positive experience that will leave you smiling.

Visit the website to get a quote, or call (808) 456-4200 to speak with one of their team members today.
