
With warm weather on the horizon, homeowners are looking forward to spring and summer where more time can be spent outdoors. As you focus on lawn care for the seasons to come, you may notice brown spots in your grass. If you’re wondering why your grass isn’t thriving, here are a few common culprits to discuss with your landscape contractor. 

Top 3 Reasons Why Your Lawn Is Browning 

1. Drought

The most frequent cause of a browning yard is simple drought. Lack of water, especially if this takes place for longer than two to three weeks will push your grass into a state of dormancy. The good news is that you can bring a dormant yard back to a green, healthy state with watering. Lawn aeration can also help promote healthy grass with a strong root system. 

2. Pet Use

Many homeowners withLawn Care fenced yards allow grassy areas to be used by dogs for relief. While it is convenient for them to relieve themselves in your yard, your pet’s urine does contain nitrogen. If they tend to relieve themselves in the same spot, nitrogen can essentially burn the grass and cause it to brown. With this in mind, look for lawn care solutions such as planting other greenery, so your pet’s habits won’t brown your entire yard. Additionally, consider setting up a sprinkler system as watering grass to dilute nitrogen can curb browning as well. 

3. Compacted Soil

Despite lawn aeration and a strong watering routine, some yards will continue to experience brown patches. In this situation, the primary cause may be dense, compacted soil that’s making it difficult for your grass to absorb moisture. This combined with incorrect mowing techniques can leave your yard looking spotty. The best solution is to hire a lawn care team to evaluate your soil and overseed the lawn to produce a new batch of fresh grass.


If you’re based in the greater St. Louis County, MO, area, and you’re dealing with a browning yard, the dedicated lawn care team at A Kick in the Grass Lawn Service can help. With over 14 years of experience and a reputation for friendly, multifaceted service whether you need help managing your backyard or you’re interested in comprehensive landscaping for your commercial space, these lawn maintenance experts are prepared to provide year-round assistance. Call (314) 471-6186 to discuss your needs, and visit their website for more information on their lawn care specialties, from lawn aeration to designing beautiful hardscapes. 
