
An ancient form of Chinese medicine, acupuncture offers a variety of applications, including the treatment of migraine headaches. Considered a conventional medical technique by the U.S. National Institutes of Health since 1997, studies have indicated that acupuncture may be a highly effective option for relieving the pounding headaches more commonly known as migraines.

Available through Forest Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture in Cincinnati, OH, acupuncture is considered to be a natural treatment to soothe migraine pain. Let’s consider the facts:

  • How It Works: The process works by inserting two-inch needles at specific points in the body. The idea is to unblock Qi, or the body’s flow of energy. Qi flows through the body via channels called meridians that connect to all major organs. The Chinese believe that when Qi’s flow through the meridians becomes unbalanced, pain and illness results.
  • Headache Points: Acupuncture headache points are not limited to the head, rather they are found all over the body. This includes the arms, legs, and shoulders.

  • Natural Painkillers: Acupuncture relieves migraine pain by stimulating muscles and subsequently endorphins, or the body’s natural painkillers. Acupuncture is also thought to block pain signals to the brain.
  • Length and Frequency: Treatment length and frequency varies by patient. Sessions typically last five to 30 minutes, and are done twice weekly until symptoms subside.

Acupuncture treats the body as a whole, even if used for an individual symptom such as migraine pain. If you suffer from debilitating migraines, discuss acupuncture treatment options with the staff at Forest Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture, and see if you don’t enjoy significantly fewer headache days per month. For more on acupuncture, massage therapy, and other chiropractic treatments, please call (513) 742-0880 or visit the web site today.
