
Even if you don't think you've accumulated a significant quantity of assets, effective estate planning early on can still save your loved ones a great deal of stress and money upon your death. As one of the Hamilton, Oh, area's most respected and established legal firms, Pater, Pater & Halverson advise everyone to seek an experienced attorney to make sure your wishes are respected.

You may be surprised to find that, upon your death, verbally expressed wishes are not legally enforceable. If you die without a will, the court will divide up your remaining assets according to your state's laws, which may not reflect your intent or true relationships. If you own a home, a car, investments, or a savings account, then you should write a will and keep it up to date.

However, many other situations are covered in professional estate planning services, some of which are vital. For example, a lawyer will be able to minimize any tax liabilities your inheritors may incur, through establishing a special trust, and can even keep your estate out of probate court, a process which costs a significant amount of time and money.

The planning process also forces you to consider what happens to any minor children if you were no longer able to care for them, and who should be entrusted with your affairs if you can't manage them yourself. Without powers of attorney and other legal vehicles, the court may appoint someone other than the person you would have chosen.

For expert assistance with all aspects of planning your estate, visit Pater, Pater & Halverson online or call (513) 867-1411 today.
