
Third grade is not too early to begin teaching algebra, nor is early algebra instruction incompatible with the regular arithmetic curriculum, says a new study in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.

Third-graders who received 19 one-hour algebra lessons on 5 big algebraic ideas for about 10% of math class time significantly outperformed controls on an algebra assessment, indicating that algebra is well within reach of the typical 3rd-grader, according to the study.

“It might not be surprising that students who received the early algebra intervention performed as they did,” the researchers write. “However, the performance of these students highlights a particularly compelling aspect of our findings about early algebra: As early as Grade 3, children can successfully develop critical components of algebraic thinking skills that are foundational to the successful study of algebra in the later grades.

“The performance of these students highlights another compelling aspect of our findings: Typical arithmetic-based elementary school mathematics curricula and instruction does little to prepare students for the successful study of algebra in the later grades.”
