
Rain brings life and beautiful flowers, but it also brings dangerous mold. Unfortunately, any time you live in a humid environment, mold is an issue, and Hawaii is no different. Before, during, and after your home or commercial move, you need to think about preventing and cleaning mold. Thankfully, at M. Dyer & Sons you’ll never have to worry about your household items growing mold during moving and storage. But what if your new residence has mold?

Discovering and then cleaning mold out of your new home can be a nightmare, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right know-how and products, you can clean your house and protect it at the same time.

  • Bleach: Bleach is a great product that destroys almost all bacteria, mold, and even microorganisms. And it only takes a small amount of product to get the job done. But there is a downside; it’s bad for your skin, lungs, and the environment. Make sure you heavily dilute bleach before you use it, and never mix chemicals.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar is another very effective mold and bacteria killer. While it may not be as strong as bleach, it still destroys 80% of bacteria while being less harmful to your body and the environment.
  • Borax: Borax is a white mineral powder with low toxicity and fewer fumes than bleach. When mixed with 1 gallon of water per 1 cup of Borax, it can not only kill mold but inhibit new mold from growing.

There are many other mold-killing options, but which is best? Your mold destruction choice is up to you, but it’s important to remember that vinegar should not be used on granite or marble surfaces since it can eat away at the surface and cause discoloration. And bleach does not work as well on porous surfaces such as concrete, wood, drywall, and unsealed tile.

If mold ends up being a big issue in your new home, let M. Dyer & Sons place your items in storage while you hire a cleaning company to fix the issue. Then, the best movers in the business can provide moving help and services to set up your new home once it’s ready. Hire professional movers to take out the stress of moving, so you can focus on your home. Call (808) 456-4200 to request a quote, or visit M. Dyer & Sons online.
