
If you're a parent with a child who struggles in math, you've probably dealt with everything from arguing over Geometry or Algebra homework to anxiety because of an upcoming lesson in fractions. While an experienced math tutor, like the one of those employed by Intelleyou Learning Center, LLC can help, there's a lot you as a parent can do to help your child succeed in math.

Try one or more of these helpful strategies and watch your child's attitude toward math begin to change:

  • Use Math Every Day: Showing your child the ways you personally use math on a daily basis can go a long way to change their attitude about it. Whether you're estimating when to go to bed so you get eight hours of sleep, figuring how much to tip the pizza delivery person, or making a vacation budget, these everyday equations will help normalize math for your child and show them there's nothing scary about it.
  • Ask For Their Help: The next time you need help making change, ask your kiddo to do the math with you. Show him or her how to figure out the price per unit in the grocery store (it's usually on the store's shelf label) so you can get the best deal. Trusting your child with these kinds of mathematical decisions will build his or her confidence.

  • Money Makes Math Fun: Offer your kid a nickel for every weed she uproots in the yard or every dish he dries. Count the number of weeds or dishes and multiply by five in order to solve the multiplication problem. Your child will be extra motivated to check her or his work!
  • Encourage Hands-On Math: A lot of kids who struggle with math are hands-on learners; they need a sensory experience to acquire new knowledge. Counting change or measuring ingredients for a recipe are great real-life experiences. Use an old analog clock that they can manipulate as they learn how to tell time.

Many adults often don't realize how frequently they use math on a daily basis. Awareness of the prevalence of mathematics will give you lots of opportunities for encouragement and success. Intelleyou Learning Center, LLC offers homework help in math, SAT prep, ACT prep, and other tutoring services. Visit them online or call (808) 946-5500 to learn more about how they can help your child reach his or her potential.
