
In today's world, men and women are delaying marriage and children longer than ever before. Many people want to wait to have a family until they are established in their chosen career and feel financially secure, while others simply don’t meet the right person until a little later in life. Regardless of why you are now looking into starting a family, Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu can help.

The first step on the road to family planning is learning. Use this guide from the medical experts at Pacific In Vitro Fertilization to educate yourself regarding infertility treatments and family planning:

  • Picture your future: Before you consider all of your family planning options, it’s important to think about your future goals. Do you want to start your family now? In 10 years? Do you imagine having one child or possibly multiple children? The answers to all of these questions can help you and your doctor determine the right family planning options for you.
  • Consultations are important: Age, health, genetics, and many other factors impact your fertility and determine what type of family planning may be right for you. It’s important to have a consultation with a fertility specialist to get a clearer idea of your current fertility and your future options.
  • Fertility Preservation: One option that many women take advantage of is fertility preservation, or as it is commonly referred to “freezing eggs.” If your fertility is currently optimal, but you are nowhere near ready to have a child, freezing your eggs can increase your options. After age 31, women’s fertility begins to drop, and after age 35 the decline accelerates drastically. Freezing your eggs in your prime fertility years (ages 23-31) gives you the best chances at conception later in life.
  • In Vitro Fertilization: Of course, fertility issues affect both sexes. Men, like women, experience more fertility problems as they age, and for many men and women, In Vitro Fertilization is the only option for conceiving a child. In Vitro is also a great course for same sex couples that want to have a child of their own.

Schedule a consultation with a fertility doctor today at Pacific In Vitro Fertilization by calling them at (808) 946-2226
