
Having a Will is like having an insurance policy that guarantees your estate will be handled in the manner you choose after you've died. We've all heard horror stories about people with considerable assets who died without having a Will, creating family strife, legal confusion, and repeated trips to the courts. We the People of NY is a legal document preparation service based in New York City, and they understand the benefits of having a legal Will in place.

  • Your children will be cared for. If your children are minors, a Will is the place to name their appointed guardians in the event of your death. This ensures that your children are raised by the people you most trust, in the environments you find most suitable. With no Will in place, your children will have appointed guardians by the court systems, and neither you nor they will have any say in where they are placed.
  • Your estate is inherited by people of your choosing. Without a Will, state succession laws come into effect, and the courts will name your beneficiaries. The trouble is, you may not want your entire estate going to your next-of-kin. Most people have a pretty good idea of who they want to inherit their money and belongings, and this group usually includes a wide berth: family members, friends, colleagues, charities. A Will makes sure your estate goes to whomever you choose.
  • You can name your own executor. A Will allows you the freedom of naming your own executor. The executor is the one you want to manage your estate after you die; he or she is in charge of asset valuations and reporting and making sure the right affects go to the right places. Without a Will, the state becomes your executor, not a loved one or trusted legal professional.

Call We the People of NY today at (212) 633-2200 to start drawing up a will. We the People also offers legal document preparation for bankruptcy, divorce, incorporations, and much more.
