
Auto accidents are stressful and traumatic, sometimes resulting in major damage to your property and serious personal injury. Unfortunately, your actions immediately following a crash can affect your ability to file an insurance claim and get compensated for your damages, so follow these tips from Ron Nall Insurance Agency, Andalusia's leading full coverage auto insurance specialist, if you find yourself involved in an accident:

  • First, check yourself and your passengers for injuries, and then check with the people in the other car. Even if you suspect someone has been hurt, call an ambulance.
  • If the vehicles are still functional, move them to a safe place away from traffic. If not, set up warning triangles and turn on your hazard lights.
  • Call the police, even in cases of minor accidents, and also call your insurance agent immediately.
  • Take careful notes about the accident, especially the conditions of the cars involved. Get photos, if possible, and collect the names and contact information for any witnesses.
  • Even if you think the accident was your fault, don't apologize or admit culpability. Doing this can sometimes open you up to liability later.
  • It's important not to discuss the accident with anyone but the police and your insurance agent, and absolutely do not sign anything for anyone else.
  • If at all possible, try not to leave the scene before the police and the other driver.

Ron Nall Insurance Agency specializes in protecting the things that matter most to you, offering everything from health insurance to home insurance coverage. Visit the website to learn more, or call (334) 222-3106 now with any questions.
